Tuesday, December 27, 2016

PL/SQL Interview questions

  1. Explain uses of cursor.
  2. Ans : Cursor is a named private area in SQL from which information can be accessed. They are required to process each row individually for queries which return multiple rows.

2. Explain the uses of database trigger.
Ans: A PL/SQL program unit associated with a particular database table is called a database trigger. It is used for :
1)Audit data modifications.
2)Log events transparently.
3)Enforce complex business rules.
4)Maintain replica tables
5)Derive column values
6)Implement Complex security authorizations

3. What are the two types of exceptions.
Ans : Error handling part of PL/SQL block is called Exception. They have two types : user_defined and predefined.

4. Show how functions and procedures are called in a PL SQL block.
      Function is called as a part of an expression.
      Procedure is called  as a statement in PL/SQL.

5. Explain Raise_application_error.
Ans: It is a procedure of package DBMS_STANDARD that allows issuing of user_defined error messages from database trigger or stored sub-program.

6. Explain two virtual tables available at the time of database trigger execution.
Ans: Table columns are referred as THEN.column_name and NOW.column_name.
For INSERT related triggers, NOW.column_name values are available only.
For DELETE related triggers, THEN.column_name values are available only.
For UPDATE related triggers, both Table columns are available.

7. How is a process of PL SQL compiled?
Ans: Compilation process includes syntax check, bind and p-code generation processes.
Syntax checking checks the PL SQL codes for compilation errors. When all errors are corrected, a storage address is assigned to the variables that hold data. It is called Binding. P-code is a list of instructions for the PL SQL engine. P-code is stored in the database for named blocks and is used the next time it is executed

8.What is p-code and source code ?
Ans: P-code is Pre-complied code stored in Public cache memory of System Global Area after the Oracle instance is started, whereas source code is a simple code of sp, package, trigger, functions etc which are stored in Oracle system defined data dictionary.

9. Explain mutating table error.
Ans: It occurs when a trigger tries to update a row that it is currently using. It is fixed by using views or temporary tables, so database selects one and updates the other.

10.Explain Commit, Rollback and Savepoint and Auto commit and Set transaction.
  1. COMMIT : COMMIT command to make changes permanent save to a database during the current transaction.
  2. ROLLBACK : ROLLBACK command execute at the end of current transaction and undo/undone any changes made since the begin transaction.
  3. SAVEPOINT : SAVEPOINT command save the current point with the unique name in the processing of a transaction.
  4. AUTOCOMMIT : Set AUTOCOMMIT ON to execute COMMIT Statement automatically.
  5. SET TRANSACTION : PL/SQL SET TRANSACTION command set the transaction properties such as read-write/read only access.
11. Define Implicit and Explicit Cursors.
Ans: A cursor is implicit by default. The user cannot control or process the information in this cursor.
If a query returns multiple rows of data, the program defines an explicit cursor. This allows the application to process each row sequentially as the cursor returns it.

12 How many triggers can be applied to a table?
Ans: A maximum of 12 triggers can be applied to one table.

13. Explain 3 basic parts of a trigger.
Ans: A triggering statement or event.
  • A restriction
  • An action
14. Explain TTITLE and BTITLE.
Ans: TTITLE and BTITLE commands that control report headers and footers.

15. Show the cursor attributes of PL/SQL.
%ISOPEN : Checks if the cursor is open or not
%ROWCOUNT : The number of rows that are updated, deleted or fetched.
%FOUND : Checks if the cursor has fetched any row. It is true if rows are fetched
%NOT FOUND : Checks if the cursor has fetched any row. It is True if rows are not fetched.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

SQL interview question1

What is the difference between oracle,sql and sql server ?

•Oracle is based on RDBMS.
•SQL is Structured Query Language.
•SQL Server is another tool for RDBMS provided by MicroSoft.

why you need indexing ? where that is stroed and what you mean by schema object? For what purpose we are using view?

We cant create an Index on Index.. Index is stoed in user_index table.Every object that has been created on Schema is Schema Object like Table,View etc.If we want to share the particular data to various users we have to use the virtual table for the Base table...So tht is a view.

indexing is used for faster search or to retrieve data faster from various table. Schema containing set of tables, basically schema means logical separation of the database. View is crated for faster retrieval of data. It's customized virtual table. we can create a single view of multiple tables. Only the drawback is..view needs to be get refreshed for retrieving updated data.

Difference between Store Procedure and Trigger?

•we can call stored procedure explicitly.
•but trigger is automatically invoked when the action defined in trigger is done.
ex: create trigger after Insert on
•this trigger invoked after we insert something on that table.
•Stored procedure can't be inactive but trigger can be Inactive.
•Triggers are used to initiate a particular activity after fulfilling certain condition.It need to define and can be enable and disable according to need.

What the difference between UNION and UNIONALL?

Union will remove the duplicate rows from the result set while Union all does'nt.

What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE commands?

Both will result in deleting all the rows in the table .TRUNCATE call cannot be rolled back as it is a DDL command and all memory space for that table is released back to the server. TRUNCATE is much faster.Whereas DELETE call is an DML command and can be rolled back.

Which system table contains information on constraints on all the tables created ?
system table contains information on constraints on all the tables created

Explain normalization ?
Normalisation means refining the redundancy and maintain stablisation. there are four types of normalisation :
first normal forms, second normal forms, third normal forms and fourth Normal forms.

How to find out the database name from SQL*PLUS command prompt?
Select * from global_name;
This will give the datbase name which u r currently connected to.....

What is the difference between SQL and SQL Server ?

SQLServer is an RDBMS just like oracle,DB2 from Microsoft
Structured Query Language (SQL), pronounced "sequel", is a language that provides an interface to relational database systems. It was developed by IBM in the 1970s for use in System R. SQL is a de facto standard, as well as an ISO and ANSI standard. SQL is used to perform various operations on RDBMS.

What is diffrence between Co-related sub query and nested sub query?

Correlated subquery runs once for each row selected by the outer query. It contains a reference to a value from the row selected by the outer query.

Nested subquery runs only once for the entire nesting (outer) query. It does not contain any reference to the outer query row.

For example,

Correlated Subquery:

select e1.empname, e1.basicsal, e1.deptno from emp e1 where e1.basicsal = (select max(basicsal) from emp e2 where e2.deptno = e1.deptno)

Nested Subquery:

select empname, basicsal, deptno from emp where (deptno, basicsal) in (select deptno, max(basicsal) from emp group by deptno)

What is cluster.cluster index and non cluster index ?
Clustered Index:- A Clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore table may have only one clustered index.Non-Clustered Index:- A Non-Clustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows in the disk. The leaf nodes of a non-clustered index does not consists of the data pages. instead the leaf node contains index rows.

How can i hide a particular table name of our schema?
you can hide the table name by creating synonyms.

e.g) you can create a synonym y for table x

create synonym y for x;

What is difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
The main difference of DBMS & RDBMS is

RDBMS have Normalization. Normalization means to refining the redundant and maintain the stablization.
the DBMS hasn't normalization concept.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of primary key and foreign key in SQL?

Primary key


1) It is a unique key on which all the other candidate keys are functionally dependent


1) There can be more than one keys on which all the other attributes are dependent on.

Foreign Key


1)It allows refrencing another table using the primary key for the other table

Which date function is used to find the difference between two dates?

for Eg: select datediff (dd,'2-06-2007','7-06-2007')
output is 5

What is denormalization and when would you go for it?

As the name indicates, denormalization is the reverse process of normalization. It's the controlled introduction of redundancy in to the database design. It helps improve the query performance as the number of joins could be reduced.

How do you implement one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships while designing tables?
One-to-One relationship can be implemented as a single table and rarely as two tables with primary and foreign key relationships. One-to-Many relationships are implemented by splitting the data into two tables with primary key and foreign key relationships. Many-to-Many relationships are implemented using a junction table with the keys from both the tables forming the composite primary key of the junction table.

What's the difference between a primary key and a unique key?
Both primary key and unique enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default primary key creates a clustered index on the column, where are unique creates a nonclustered index by default. Another major difference is that, primary key doesn't allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only.

What are user defined datatypes and when you should go for them?
User defined datatypes let you extend the base SQL Server datatypes by providing a descriptive name, and format to the database. Take for example, in your database, there is a column called Flight_Num which appears in many tables. In all these tables it should be varchar(8). In this case you could create a user defined datatype called Flight_num_type of varchar(8) and use it across all your tables.

What is bit datatype and what's the information that can be stored inside a bit column?
Bit datatype is used to store Boolean information like 1 or 0 (true or false). Until SQL Server 6.5 bit datatype could hold either a 1 or 0 and there was no support for NULL. But from SQL Server 7.0 onwards, bit datatype can represent a third state, which is NULL.

Define candidate key, alternate key, composite key.
A candidate key is one that can identify each row of a table uniquely. Generally a candidate key becomes the primary key of the table. If the table has more than one candidate key, one of them will become the primary key, and the rest are called alternate keys.
A key formed by combining at least two or more columns is called composite key.

What are defaults? Is there a column to which a default can't be bound?
A default is a value that will be used by a column, if no value is supplied to that column while inserting data. IDENTITY columns and timestamp columns can't have defaults bound to them. See CREATE DEFUALT in books online.

What is a transaction and what are ACID properties?
A transaction is a logical unit of work in which, all the steps must be performed or none. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. These are the properties of a transaction. For more information and explanation of these properties, see SQL Server books online or any RDBMS fundamentals text book.

Explain different isolation levels
An isolation level determines the degree of isolation of data between concurrent transactions. The default SQL Server isolation level is Read Committed. Here are the other isolation levels (in the ascending order of isolation): Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable. See SQL Server books online for an explanation of the isolation levels. Be sure to read about SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL, which lets you customize the isolation level at the connection level.
CREATE INDEX myIndex ON myTable(myColumn)

What type of Index will get created after executing the above statement?
Non-clustered index. Important thing to note: By default a clustered index gets created on the primary key, unless specified otherwise.

What's the maximum size of a row?
8060 bytes. Don't be surprised with questions like 'what is the maximum number of columns per table'. Check out SQL Server books online for the page titled: "Maximum Capacity Specifications".

What are constraints? Explain different types of constraints.
Constraints enable the RDBMS enforce the integrity of the database automatically, without needing you to create triggers, rule or defaults.

For an explanation of these constraints see books online for the pages titled: "Constraints" and "CREATE TABLE", "ALTER TABLE"

Whar is an index? What are the types of indexes? How many clustered indexes can be created on a table? I create a separate index on each column of a table. what are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach?

Indexes in SQL Server are similar to the indexes in books. They help SQL Server retrieve the data quicker.
Indexes are of two types. Clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes. When you craete a clustered index on a table, all the rows in the table are stored in the order of the clustered index key. So, there can be only one clustered index per table. Non-clustered indexes have their own storage separate from the table data storage. Non-clustered indexes are stored as B-tree structures (so do clustered indexes), with the leaf level nodes having the index key and it's row locater. The row located could be the RID or the Clustered index key, depending up on the absence or presence of clustered index on the table.
If you create an index on each column of a table, it improves the query performance, as the query optimizer can choose from all the existing indexes to come up with an efficient execution plan. At the same t ime, data modification operations (such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) will become slow, as every time data changes in the table, all the indexes need to be updated. Another disadvantage is that, indexes need disk space, the more indexes you have, more disk space is used.

What is RAID and what are different types of RAID configurations?
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, used to provide fault tolerance to database servers. There are six RAID levels 0 through 5 offering different levels of performance, fault tolerance. MSDN has some information about RAID levels and for detailed information, check out the RAID advisory board's homepage

What are the steps you will take to improve performance of a poor performing query?
This is a very open ended question and there could be a lot of reasons behind the poor performance of a query. But some general issues that you could talk about would be: No indexes, table scans, missing or out of date statistics, blocking, excess recompilations of stored procedures, procedures and triggers without SET NOCOUNT ON, poorly written query with unnecessarily complicated joins, too much normalization, excess usage of cursors and temporary tables.

Some of the tools/ways that help you troubleshooting performance problems are: SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON, SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON, SET STATISTICS IO ON, SQL Server Profiler, Windows NT /2000 Performance monitor, Graphical execution plan in Query Analyzer.

Download the white paper on performance tuning SQL Server from Microsoft web site. Don't forget to check out sql-server-performance.com

What are the steps you will take, if you are tasked with securing an SQL Server?
Again this is another open ended question. Here are some things you could talk about: Preferring NT authentication, using server, database and application roles to control access to the data, securing the physical database files using NTFS permissions, using an unguessable SA password, restricting physical access to the SQL Server, renaming the Administrator account on the SQL Server computer, disabling the Guest account, enabling auditing, using multiprotocol encryption, setting up SSL, setting up firewalls, isolating SQL Server from the web server etc.

What is a deadlock and what is a live lock? How will you go about resolving deadlocks?
Deadlock is a situation when two processes, each having a lock on one piece of data, attempt to acquire a lock on the other's piece. Each process would wait indefinitely for the other to release the lock, unless one of the user processes is terminated. SQL Server detects deadlocks and terminates one user's process.

A livelock is one, where a request for an exclusive lock is repeatedly denied because a series of overlapping shared locks keeps interfering. SQL Server detects the situation after four denials and refuses further shared locks. A livelock also occurs when read transactions monopolize a table or page, forcing a write transaction to wait indefinitely.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bye Bye for SetRedraw( )

A common Classic PB code technique when modifying the displayed contents of window controls, is to turn off screen refresh by calling SetRedraw( false ), performing the update activity and then calling SetRedraw (true).

Setredraw( ) is one of those graphic object methods that falls by the wayside when migrating to .NET. It is no longer supported. Is this a bad thing that will give your users a migraine headache or a non-issue?

This post and the accompanying video will give you a refreshing understanding of the issue and help set your expectations when you migrate and see those unsupported feature warnings.

First some background:

In classic Windows UI and .NET WinForm, each window (and remember internally each control is a window) is constantly redrawing itself; when it's first created, when it's covered and re-exposed, and when something about its look and feel needs to change. When the application is told to paint itself (draw in PB terms), it works with an abstraction called a device context which is wrapped in a Graphics object. The context deals with the drawing surface as a field of colored dots which each of which it turns on in a color or off to match the request. The whole process is built upon the 1990's hardware and device driver technology that was current when MS Windows 3.x was designed Whew, I bet you're begin to get the feeling that constantly repainting a display during a dynamic refresh process is a lot of work for the application program!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Powerbuilder Interview question _ part 9


1. What does a string manipulation function Left( ) do?
Obtains a specified number of characters from the beginning of a string. Left(string, n)

2. What does a string manipulation function LeftTrim( ) do?
Removes spaces from the beginning of a string. LeftTrim(string)

3. What does a string manipulation function RightTrim( ) do?
Removes spaces from the end of a string. RightTrim(string)

4. What does a string manipulation function Mid( ) do?
Obtains a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string.
Mid(string, start{, length})

5. What does a string manipulation function Lower( ) do?
Converts all the characters in a string to lowercase. Lower(string)

6. What does a string manipulation function Right( ) do?
Obtains a specified number of characters from the end of a string.
Right( string )

7. What does a string manipulation function String( ) do?
Convert variables of other datatype into sting String ( data, { format } )

8. What does a string manipulation function Trim( ) do?
Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string Trim(string )

9. What is the function of SelectText( )?
Selects text in an editable control. We specify where the selection begins and how many characters to select: editname.SelectText ( start, length )

10. Write a function to find one string within another and return position of that sub-string?
String msg, putin
long NewPos, l_NewPos
msg = mle_text.text
putin = sle_find.text
NewPos = Pos(msg, putin, 1)
l_NewPos = Pos(msg, putin,NewPos)

1. What is a Structure? What is Structure Data type?
The structure is a collection of one or more related variables of the same or different data type grouped under a single name. There are Global and Object level structure.

2. How do you use a Structure in your script ?
We define structures using the Structure painter. In scripts we must create instances of the structure in order to use them. When we refer to an individual variables within a structure, we need to prefix them with the name of the structure instance.

3. Which attribute of the Message Object is used to pass a structure between windows ?
PowerObjectParm attribute of the Message Object is used to pass a structure between windows as the parameter in the OpenSheetWithParm( ) function.

4. Show me how to send a structure to a function.
You can pass a structure as an argument in user-defined functions. Simply name the structure as the structure data type when defining the argument.

5. Can an array be an element of the Structure? Can a User Object be?
YES. An array and a User Object can be an aliment of the structure. Any object can be an element of the structure.
S_struct s_str
for I = 1 to 10
s_str.array[i] ……..

6. How to reference structure variables in the script?
If the structure is Global, you have to declare the variables of this structure type and use dot notation to reference the structure variables. E.g.,
emp_data emp1
emp 1.emp_id =100
If the structure is object level and you want to use it in the script for the object itself declare a variable of this structure type and use dot notation. If you want to make this object level structure accessible outside the object: in the object that defines the structure, declare an instance variable of the structure type. In any script of the application reference a variable in the structure using syntax:
object .instance_variable .variable

7. Could you pass structure as argument in user defined function?
YES. We just have to name structure as a data type when we defining argument.

8. When do you use = operator?
It is used to compare one structure to another structure of the same type.

9. Can an array be an element of the Structure? Can User Object be?
Yes, an array can be in the structure, because it is also a variable that can hold multiple storage values. Unlike an array which has a single variable name and a range of numeric index values, a structure is composed of many variable names that are related in some way. These variables may be of different data types. How to process an array:
s_struct s_str.
For I = 1 to 10
s_struct.array[I] = …

Yes, a user object can be a part of a structure. How to process a user object:
s_str.ou_obj = Create u_obj
open s_structure.window

10. Can you assign a structure to a structure?
Yes, we can copy all elements of a structure to another structure with a single assignment statement. At first, we declare a structure as a class and then assign values of the first structure to another structure.


1. What are the Target Object events?

2. What is a drag mode?
A Drag mode is the state of the object when the user has clicked a draggable control and is holding the left mouse button down.

3. In what case did you use Drag and Drop?
We want to create a trash can in our program to make it look more user friendly

4. What are automatic and manual drag modes?
In automatic drag mode, PowerBuilder automatically switches the application into drag mode when the control is clicked. or
DragAuto is a boolean indicating whether PowerBuilder puts the control into a drag mode automatically. DragAuto has these boolean values.
True – when the user clicks the control, PowerBuilder puts the control in drag mode.
When DragAuto is True, clicking a control triggers a DragDrop event, not a Clicked event.
False – when the user clicks the control, PowerBuilder does not put the control in drag mode; we have to call the Drag function to put the control manually into a drag mode.
With manual drag mode, PowerBuilder does not switch the application into drag mode when the control is clicked. We must control when the drag mode is initiated using command drag(Begin!), drag(Cancel!), drag(End!).


1. When do you use AutoCommit?
1. If you set AUTO COMMIT to FALSE, all SQL commands are part of a transaction and you must issue COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands from time to time to complete your work.
If AUTO COMMIT = TRUE, there are no transactions and each SQL command is immediately committed. In this case explicit COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands in the script have no effect
2. When we need to create a temporary table.
3. When a window has a lot of display activity only.

2. What is a Transaction Object? What is the purpose of a transaction object?
A Transaction Object is an NVO which stores information required to connect to a specific DB.

3. Explain the difference between SetTrans and SetTransObject.
The SetTrans() function provides another way of managing the database connection. SetTrans, which sets transaction info in the internal transaction object for the DW control or DataStore, manages the connection automatically. You do not explicitly connect to the DB; the DataWindow connects and disconnects for each database transaction, which is less efficient but necessary in some situations.
SetTransObject causes a DW control or DataStore to use a programmer-specified transaction object.

1. What are Non-Visual User Objects?
Non-visual user object is an object that encapsulates attributes and functions but is not visible to the user. NVO is a collection of business user functions. They can be Custom Class and Standard Class. NVOs are useful because they allow you to encapsulate application operations into objects making them easier to develop, manage and maintain and also to encapsulate all security management for an application into a single object.

2. Explain the purpose of a non-visual user objects
The purpose of non-visual user objects is to define business rules and other processing (which are checked in different windows in your application) that act as a unit. We implement them in PowerBuilder using Class User Objects.

3. What types of a non-visual user object do you know?
There are two types of non-visual user objects :
Standard user object inherits its definition from one built-in, PB NVO such as the Trans-action object or Error object. We modify its definition to make the object specific to our application.
Custom user objects are objects of our own design that encapsulate properties and
functions but are not visible to the user.

Typically, we use Custom Class User Objects to define processing in our application that has no visual component. We typically use class user objects to define processing that acts as a unit; for example if our application calculates sales commissions, we might create a custom class UserObject to perform the commission calculation.

After we build and save a visual user object, we can use it as we use a PB control. We can place it in a window or in other user objects, and we can size it, change its style, and build scripts for its events.
After we build and save a class user object, we declare a variable of the UserObject type and create an inheritance of it using the CREATE statement in a script. Once we have instantiated the class UserObject, its attributes and functions are available within the scope of the variable declaration. After using the UserObject, we destroy it with the DESTROY statement to free up memory.
We can also build new user objects that inherit attributes, events, structures, and functions from an existing user object.

4. What are facilities of the User Objects ?
We define a component once, then reuse it many times as we need without any additional work.

5. Give me an example of Standard & Custom visual user objects you have created
and what was the purpose of each?
Standard – Any single control can be placed in a standard user object
Custom – Many controls can be placed in a custom user object

6. What does OpenUserObject( ) do?
OpenUserObject( ) adds a user object to the specified window and makes all its properties and controls available to scripts.
windowname.OpenUserObject ( userobjectvar, userobjecttype {, x, y } )
This function is used when you want dynamically, at runtime place some user objects on a window. This function displays this user object, makes all its attributes available to scripts. You must open a user object before you can access the attributes of the user object. If you access the user object’s attributes before you open it, it will cause an execution error.

7. How can you dynamically place an User Object on the window?
By using functions : OpenUserObject( ), OpenUserObjectWithParm( )

8. When would you use a Standard User Object?
We use a standard UserObject to extend the standard set of predefined attributes, events, and functions or to encapsulate common controls into an object that can be reused without any additional work.

9. Can a standard visual User Object contain another User Object? No.

10. In what situations would you use a custom visual UserObject?
We use a visual custom UserObject when we frequently group controls in a Window and use the controls to perform the same processing.

11. What Events does the Custom Class have?
Constructor and Destructor

12. What events are available to a standard class User Object?
Constructor and Destructor

13. What events are available to a standard visual User Object?
It has all events that standard PowerBuilder control has it.

14. How can you instantiate non-visual object (class) in memory?
First we need to declare a variable of our User Object data type. We have to create an instance of our object in memory using command CREATE. Now we have access to the attributes and functions encapsulated in our User Object. When we don’t need this object anymore, we should Destroy it before we close an application to avoid memory leaking.
First we need to declare a variable having our object’s type:
uo_business_rules my_object
CREATE my_object - This will create an instance of our object in memory.
When we don’t need this object anymore, you should Destroy it to avoid memory leaking:
DESROY my_object or
We need to create (instantiate) a variable of the class UserObject type when we use the class
We create custom transaction object MY_TRANS
Then you have to declare and create this UserObject
MY_TRANS l_my_trans
l_my_trans = create MY_TRANS
Now we have access to the attributes and functions encapsulated in the UserObject.
We have to destroy MY_TRANS before we close the application

15. Once a standard user object is placed on a window, can you override its attributes? Yes, we can.

16. How can you override User Object’s function?
Using polymorphism: In the User Object that we put on the window (a descendant of original UserObject) we can declare a function with the same name as the function in an ancestor we want to override.

17. How many custom user events can you define and what triggers them?
In PB 4 we could have not more then 75 custom event ID’s that we use for each object. In PB5 we may have as many as we need but with no mapping to PB custom events, however the events can work as a functions. We trigger them manually by using functions in our scripts. New syntax to trigger the custom event is
object.event ue_cancel( )
object.event post ue_cancel( )

18. How is a custom visual UserObject different from a standard UserObject?
A custom visual user object is an object that has several controls that work as a unit.
A standard visual user object inherits its definition from a standard control. We modify the definition to make the control specific to our applications.

19. What events do you know for custom visual user objects?
Constructor - occurs after window’s open event or when a user object is dynamically placed in the window
Destructor -occurs after window’s Close event or when a user object is dynamically removed from the window
DragDrop When a dragged object is dropped on the user object
DragEnter - when a user object enters the user object etc.
Drag within
Drag leave

20. How can you communicate between the window and user object in the window?
When we placed user object into the window we can write the script s for User Object event (conctructor, dectructor) but we cannot write the scripts for controls inside the user object. But we can use user object level functions or user events.

1. What is a variable?
Variables are storage locations that hold values. The values can be entered by user, retrieved from a Database, calculated by the application. Variables must be declared before they are referenced in a script.

2. What does the scope determine?
The scope of a variable determines which scripts can access the variable to use or change its value. The scope of a variable determines the scripts in which the variable can be referenced.

3. What types of variables do you know?
Local—defined within a script for a control and can be accessed only within that script.
Instance—defined for an object (e.g., window or User Object) and can be accessed only with in an object.
Shared—defined for an object. All descendants of that object can access the variable (i.e. there is one variable with one value for the object and all of its descendants). Shared has a scope very similar of the instance but it also will be known for all instances of the object. Shared variable retains its value when instances of the object are closed and opened again. If the value of the shared variable is changed in one instance and then accessed in another, the second instance gets the new value.
Global variables can be accessed by any object and are known through the scope.

4. What is a local variable?
A local variable is declared in the script for a control or object that can only be referenced in that script. We use local variables when the value only needs to be known while the particular script is executing.

5. When do you use reserve word PARENT?
We can use it in the script for different events of controls. In this case it refers to window this control belongs to. If we use it in a script for a control in a custom user object, it refers to the user object. When we use it in a script for MenuItem it refers to the MenuItem on the level above.

6. What does the pronoun THIS refer to.?
It refers to the object or control we are writing script for.

7. What does the pronoun PARENT WINDOW refer to?
The pronoun PARENT WINDOW refer to the window that menu is associated with at the execution time.

8. When do you use instance variable?
You use an instance variable when you have data that have to be accessible in more then one script within the object, but don’t need to be global.

9. What access level for instance variable do you know?
PUBLIC - accessible for all scripts
PRIVATE - accessible in the scripts for events in the object for which the variable was declared
PROTECTED - accessible in the scripts for events in the object for which the variable was declared and its descendants.

10. What the difference between instance and shared variable?
An instance variable is initialized when the object is opened. When you close the object, it ceases to exist. When you open the object again, the instance variable is initialized again. But the Shared variable continues to exist when you close the object and if you open the object again the shared variable will have the value it had when you closed the object.

11. What does the qualified reference mean?
A qualified reference is a variable (or object) name made specific by prefixing a window or object name to the variable name. We qualify references to refer to a variable in a child within its parent. E.g.,
Qualifying variables or column name in the SQL statement also eliminate ambiguity.

12. What is a shared variable? An Instance variable? How do you use them?
A shared variable is a variable that belongs to an object definition and exists across all instances of the object. Shares variables retain their value when an object is closed and opened again. Shared variables are always private. They are accessible only in scripts for the object and for controls associated with the object. Shared variables can belong to the application object, a window, a user object, or a menu.
An instance variable is a variable that belongs to an object and is associated with an instance of that object (you can think of it as a property of the object). Instance variables have access keywords that determine whether scripts of other objects can access them. Instance variables can belong to the application object, a window, a user object, or a menu. (Difference: they have different scope. The value of the shared variable is the same in each instance of the object. Instance variables are associated with one instance of an object such as a window and each instance can have different values in the instance variable.)

1. What is Check-in, Check-out options on a Library Painter?
It is a Version control.
Check- in, Check-out are options on a Library painter, which control an access to Library entries. For example, when more then one programmer are working on a project, we want to prevent them from modifying a library entry at the same time. To control the access to library entries we can use Check-in and Check-out. When you Check-out an entry, PB makes a copy of the entry, stores it in a specified library( a test or development library), and sets the status of the entry to check out. As long as the status of an entry is checked out, we can change only to the working copy. If we try to open the original copy, PB displays a warning message. When we finish working with an entry that you checked out , we can Check-in entries on to replace the entry in the original library with the working copy of the entry. Check-in clears the check-out status from the entry, and delete the working copy from the library in which it is saved.

2. What is an access control system for developers?
Check-in, Check-out.

3. Did you use any Version Control systems such as PVCS?
No, we have used PowerBuilder’s own Check-in/Check-out feature in the Library painter.


1. For the following window types, describe typical uses or provide examples of how they are used in commercially available products:
Main is initial window of an application.
Characteristics: operates independently of all other windows.
Child is subordinated to its parent window.
Characteristics: can exist only within parent; thus, automatically closed when its parent window is closed;
is never the active window;
appears as an icon within the parent window when it is minimised.
cropped when a user attempts to move it beyond its parent;
moves with its parent, since its position is always relative to the parent;
Uses: the main window for a customer displays information in textual form and a child window displays it graphically.
Response is application modal
Characteristics: cannot be minimized;
the user cannot go to other windows in the same application;
the user cannot go to other Windows applications;
remains the active window until the user responds.
Uses: displaying error or warning messages to the user;
requesting a critical item of information from the user before work can begin
(Select Window in the Window painter)
Popup is
Characteristics: has a parent window;
is never hidden behind its parent;
can display outside the parent window;
appears as an icon outside the parent window, at the bottom of the screen, when minimized;
minimizes within its parent, when its parent is minimized.
Uses: online help.
MDI is a style of application used to manage multiple documents of the same or different types within one.
Characteristics: Each of the document types in its own window, but all of the windows appear framed within a foundation window for the application.
MDI with Microhelp has the same behaviour as an MDI frame window without Microhelp, but it also permits the display of microhelp information in the status bar.
Characteristics: provides the Microhelp facility to deal with the limited number of words allowed in a Menu. In the status bar at the bottom of the frame we can display additional information about a MenuItem to help the user to understand what the MenuItem does.

2. What are the Types of Windows and how is each one used?
Main is used as a top-level, foundation window( or as a sheet in an MDI application)
Child is used as a subordinate window.
Pop-up is used to provide subordinate information and it is never covered by the parent window.
Response is used to obtain information from and provide information to the user.
MDI and MDI with microhelp is a window frame in which users can open multiple document windows (sheets).

3. What is a control?
Controls are objects that we place in a Window to allow the user to interact with the Application.

4. What kind of windows should be closed using the function CloseWithReturn( )?
Response Windows.


1. What is the stored procedure (SP)?
Stored procedures are blocks of SQL code which have been compiled and stored on the server. It may be called from client processes or within triggers.
A Stored Procedure is a set of precompiled and preoptimized SQL statements that performs some database operation. Stored Procedures reside where the DataBase resides and you can access them as needed.

2. Why do we need Stored Procedures?
Stored Procedures make our process faster. One time we compile select and then just use it. They give us completely controls how information is stored and retrieved. Security reason. Defined business rule and Maintenance
the benefits of using stored Procedures :
n executes much faster, because the path is not created each time of execution of Stored Procedure
n can be shared between multiple users;
n it is much easier to manage them when they stored in DB, then embedded SQL.
Use stored procedures to improve:
data integrity
response time

2a. What benefits of Stored Procedures ?
n run faster than the same commands executed interactively as a batch
n reduce network traffic
n enforce consistency throughout the database
n help provide security
n reduce operator error

3. How do you declare a Cursor for the Stored Procedure?
Use Declare cursor statement:
DECLARE emp_pro procedure for GetName
@emp_name = :EditEmpName,:@emp_salary = 5000;

4. How to use Stored Procedure from another one?
Execute by name.

5. What is allowed in Stored Procedure:
n create view
n create default
n create trigger
n create procedure
n create table ? Nothing

6. What is a Remote Procedure?
Remote Procedure is a stored procedure which exists on a different server than the one you are currently connected to. Remote Procedure is when you execute procedures on another SQL server from your local SQL server. Once both servers are properly configured by System Administrator, System administrator does:
1.Both servers must be configured for remote Access
2.Our server must have the remote server in its list of known servers (sp_addserver)
3.The remote server name must be in the interfaces file
4.We Must have added appropriate remote login on the system being accessed
We can execute any procedure on the remote SQL Server using the server name as part of the identifier.
We can pass value as parameters to a remote procedure from the SQL batch or procedure that contains the EXECUTE statement for the remote procedure. The Result will appear on our local terminal.

7. What are : @@rowcount, @@error?
@@rowcount is a Global variable which stores the number of rows affected by the most recent data modification operation. It is used to check how many rows were affected by a previous @@error a section of code may be executed based on the value returned by error code.

8. What happens if you rename the object referenced by a Stored Procedure?
We must drop and recreate a procedure if we rename any of the objects it references. A stored procedure that references a table or view whose name has been changed may seem to work fine until SQLServer recompiles it. Recompilation takes place for many reasons and without notification to the user.

9. What is sp_depends?
sp_depends is system a procedure that allows us to get a report (list) of the objects referenced by a procedure. We usually use it before when we need to drop or rename object.

10. How do we create a Stored Procedure? Delete it?
Create procedure “name”
@- specify parameters (variable)(if we need any)
select . . . .
If we use more than one SQL statement we have to use begin and end keyword
delete storedprocedure - Drop procedure_name

11. Name some of the Sybase system Stored Procedures you made use of. What did you use them for?
The master DB contains useful stored procedures called “system procedures” that access the system tables. System procedures begin with “sp_” and can be run from any DB. The master DB contains a library of useful stored procedures which access the system tables.
Sp_help - prints all database objects and data types
sp_rename renames an object
sp_helpindex indexes information on the table
sp_depends displays dependency information
sp_who displays currently logged on users
sp_helptext prints text of store procedure, trigger, view, default of rule
sp_lock displays information about locks
sp_adduser sp_dropgroup
sp_addgroup sp_droplogin
sp_addlogin sp_dropuser
sp_changegroup sp_lockloginsp
sp_help sp_password
sp_helpdb sp_user_id
sp_helpgroup sp_user_name

12. How can you find out who you are?

13. Let’s say you have Stored Procedure B that is being called from Stored Procedure A; you performed commit in B and after that procedure A failed. Will changes that have been made in the Procedure B be rolled back?
Yes. In case of a nested Stored Procedure changes are committed only after successful commit in the outermost Stored Procedure. You will not be allowed to put commit statement in nested stored procedure on syntax level.

14. How can you return user-defined error message from a Stored Procedure?
By using SQL function RaiseError( ). The number of errors must be greater than 2000. You should not use transaction statements in triggers. A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that takes effect when you issue a statement such as INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE on a specified table or column. Triggers can be used to enforce referential integrity. For example, assume that a certain condition within a trigger is not met and you want to execute a ROLLBACK. Instead of coding the ROLLBACK directly in the trigger, you should use RaisError and test for that particular return code in the DBMS-specific return code (SQLDBCode) property within the referenced transaction object.

15. What utility do you use to create and place Stored Procedure into Sybase DB?
Usually, I use DBA painter. But sometimes I use LAN Workplace and ISQL utility.
You can use ISQL (DOS), WISQL, SQL Object Manager, etc.

16. How can you use a Stored Procedure in PowerBuilder?
We can use them as a Data Source for the DataWindows or we just execute them using EXEC command in PowerBuilder. If we just execute it and the Stored Procedure returns result-set, we have to:
1. Declare variable for a Stored Procedure,for example,
Declare emp_pro Procedure for
pr_GetName @emp_name = :EditEmpName,
@emp_salary = 500
2. Execute (e.g. execute emp_pro)
3. Fetch in a Loop
4. Close Procedure.(close emp_pro) (optional)

17. Why do you use a Stored procedure instead of interactive SQL?
Stored procedures work faster than the same SQL commands executed interactively, because first time a SP is run it is optimized, compiled and stored in cache memory.

18. How do you call stored procedures from the script?
By name: execute sp_name;

19. How do you pass an argument from your script into a stored procedure?
Declare variable with @ sign.
DECLARE Emp_proc procedure for GetName
@emp_name = :Emp_name_var,
@emp_salary = :Emp_sal_var ;
execute Emp_proc;

20. What system Stored procedures do you use working with SP?
SP_helptext - to view the text of store procedure
SP_rename - to rename a store procedure

21. How can be specify parameters for SP?
The parameters can be specified by position or by name.

22. What is a reason to use the default values for parameters in SP?
If we defined default value for parameters in SP we can check if user provided values for parameters when the executed SP.

23. How can we use SP in PB
We can execute SP from the script or use it as a source for DW object.

24. How can we pass value from SP to the user?
We have to define parameters in SP with keyword OUTPUT

25. What statement do you use if you want to execute SP from the script?
DECLARE - to declare SP
FETCH - TO FETCH the result set into the variable (usually in the LOOP)
CLOSE - is necessary if SP returns the RESULT SET

26. If SP is a source for DW object how do you retrieve data?
With PowerScript RETRIEVE() and if SP has parameters we have to provide these parameters in RETRIEVE()

27. How do you call stored procedures from the script?
Declare the PROCEDURE variable. The EXECUTE statement calls the procedure. The FETCH statement returns the result row, copying its values into two variables. SP is an SQL code that resides in the DB rather than in a client application and is executed by the DB server rather than a client workstation. First, call the procedure to generate the result set. Then issue FETCH commands in a loop to retrieve the results one row at a time. The last thing you do—CLOSE the procedure.

SQL Server Fundamentals.

They are built-in global objects that are predefined in all applications.
SQLCA - default PB Transaction Object, SQL communication area. Used to communicate with our Database.
SQLSA is Dynamic Staging Area. We use it when we need to use a Cursor dynamically.
SQLDA is Dynamic Description Area, used in dynamic SQL.

2. When and why do we need dynamic SQL?
Dynamic SQL is a structure of SQL statements which can be changed dynamically in your
program. Used when at design time it is undetermined what the user is going to input (ad hoc Query).

3. How many formats of Dynamic SQL do you know and what are they?
1. InPut, NoResultSet
2. InPut + ResultSet (through a dynamic Cursor or a dynamic Stored Procedure)
3. InPut and ResultSet unknown until runtime.

Consider the following code (it is the basis for Questions 1 - 8 ) :
CREATE table my_table( a int not NULL, b int default 10 NULL)
CREATE rule b_rule as b_val between 0 and 100
sp_bindrule b_rule, “my_table.b”
CREATE view sample_view as SELECT * from my_table
alter table my_table ADD c varchar(20) NULL
alter table my_table ADD constraint b_check
check(b between -10 and 10)

4. What value will be inserted into the table for column b by the following insert statement : INSERT sample_tab(a, b) values (1, NULL)
Explicitly providing NULL is essentially a value (no value) and the default will not be used.

5. If there were 50 rows already in the table when the default was bound to column b and 20 of the rows had no values for column b, what value will those rows have for column b after the default is bound?
Defaults, rules apply only to future rows added to the table. Existing rows are unaffected.

6. If a file containing 20 rows is bulk copied into a table and 5 of the rows do not have values for column b, what value will those rows have for column b after the bcp is completed?
10 Defaults are recognized during bcp.

7. Will file containing rows that have negative values for column b be added during bulk copying?
Yes. Rules, triggers and constrains are not recognized during bulk copy operations.

8. What columns will the user see if he runs the following SELECT statement :
SELECT * from sample_view.
Columns a and b. Although the view executes a select *, * is expanded during view compilation. Column c does not exist at this point.

9. What values are allowed in column b for inserts/updates?
0 to 10. The rule is checked first (between 0 and 100), then the constraint will be checked (-10 to 10). The valid range is the intersection.

10. What methods can be used to enforce a business rule requiring a value in column b to be greater than a value in column a for an insert/update?
A table-level constraint or an insert/update trigger.

11. What command would you use to change the default value in column b to 5?
Alter my_table replace b default 5.

12. What system table contains information about objects, such as tables, defaults, and triggers within a Database?

13. How many pages are allocated when a table is created?
An extent of 8 pages.

14. How is clustered index different from a non-clustered index?
Clustered indexes dictate the physical order of data. The leaf level of the clustered index is the data. A non-clustered index has a row in the leaf level of the index for every row in the table.

15. Can a clustered index be placed on a separate device from a table?

16. Can a column be deleted from a table?
No. (Not officially, although a student once asked me this question. I answered, with authority “Never”. “I just did it!” he said. There is an undocumented System 10 feature : alter table t1 drop c1 from table t1. The implementation is interesting : the column is undefined, but all the data remains untouched until the rows are modified. As each row is modified, the column is nullified.

17. What command allows you to add columns to a table?
Alter table

18. How many columns with the identity property can be created in a table?
One or Zero.

19. What system datatype must be used for identity columns?
Numeric, with a definition of (n, 0) where n is the number of digits.

20. What global variable can you query to determine the last identity value inserted into a table?

21. Explain the difference between char and varchar datatypes?
Char is fixed-length datatype whose trailing spaces are stored. Varchar is a variable-length datatype. Nullable char is stored like varchar because it is variable length – either no length or the declared length.

22. How is the string “Bob” in a char (10) not-null column stored differently than the same string in a varchar(10) not-null column?
This string would store 10 bytes in the char field (the string is padded with spaces) and 3 bytes in the varchar field (plus 1 byte overhead).

23. Define what is meant by NULL?
The absence of a value.

24. How are null values handled by aggregate functions?
NULLs are not considered in aggregates.

25. What Sybase function can substitute a value for NULL in a query?
IsNull (expression, value)

26. What is the restriction on updating base tables through a view, if the view is defined on multiple tables?
The columns being updated must exist in only one of the tables.

27. What is the restriction on inserting data into a base table through a view if the view contains only a subset of the columns in the base table?
The columns that are not part of the view must be Nullable or have a default.

28. What is the restriction on deleting rows through a multitable view?
Deletes are not allowed in multitable views.

29. What is the maximum triggers that can be created on a table?
Three triggers : insert, update, and delete triggers. (Note that there is a column called seltrig in Sysobjects, but it is not currently used.)

30. If update on table_A fires a trigger that updates table_B, and table_A has an update trigger defined on it, will the trigger on table_B be executed?
Yes, in the default server configuration. If the nested triggers configuration value is set to 0, the trigger on table_B would not fire.

31. If an update of a row in table_A fires a trigger that updates another row in table_A, will the trigger on table_A execute again?
No, by default. If nesting is allowed and set self_recursion on has been executed, the trigger would fire.

32. What are the names of the tables that are accessible only from within a trigger when a trigger is executed?
Inserted and deleted.

33. What is the structure of the tables referred to in the previous question?
The exact structure of the table on which the trigger is created.

34. Where are tables mentioned in the previous two questions located?
In memory. (Alternative answer : They actually are special views of syslogs)

35. When is the Update(column_name) function used, and when it is true?
Update(column_name) is used in a trigger to determine whether the value of a column has been modified. In an insert trigger, the function is true if a non-null value was inserted; in an update trigger, the function is true if a column was named in the update statement set clause.

36. An insert trigger is created on a table that validates whether one of its column values exists in another table before allowing the insert to succeed. A file that contains invalid values for that column is bulk copied into the table. Will the rows be inserted by the bulk copy?
Yes, bcp bypasses triggers, rules and constraints (but not defaults)

37. An update trigger exists on the titles table which contains 1,000,000 rows.
If you issue the following statement, how often does the trigger fire?
UPDATE titles
set price = price + $2
where type = “mod_cook”
One time. A trigger fires once per modification statement whether the statement modifies zero, one or many rows in a table.

38. If a table is created with a unique constraint on a column, will that column
allow NULL values?
Yes, but only once.

39. What if the column is created with a primary key constraint?
No. The primary key constraint requires the column to be declared as not NULL.

40. If a view is created on table “my_table” and that table is renamed to “new_table” will the view still work?
Yes. During compilation, the server converts an object name to an object ID. The rename changes only the name.

41. If a column is added to a table after a view has been defined on the table, what must be done to make the column accessible through the view?
Drop and re-create the view.

42. Under which of the following circumstances will a stored procedure be automatically recompiled:
a. Creating an index on a table referenced in the stored procedure?
b. Dropping an index on a table referenced in the stored procedure which is being used to satisfy the query?
c. Renaming a table referenced in the stored procedure?
d. Using the same table to drop and re-create a table referenced in a stored procedure?
b and d.

43. What three methods can be used to force a stored procedure to recompile a new query plan?
The following three methods :
sp_recompile table_referenced_in_proc
CREATE procedure proc_name ……. with recompile
EXEC proc_name with recompile

44. What system table contains information on system and user-defined datatypes?

45. What stored procedure lists database user-defined types?

46. Describe how the @@trancount global variable is incremented and decremented.
Each begin tran(tran_name) increments by 1, commit tran decrements by one, and rollback tran rolls the transaction back and returns the value zero.

47. What type of the lock is held on a page during a select? A shared lock.

48. What type of the lock is held on a page during an insert? An exclusive lock.

49. How many page locks must be accessed by a single data modification statement before upgraded to a table lock? 200.

50. What global variable contains the number of rows affected by your last executed SQL statement? Which SQL statements affect that variable?
@@rowcount; all SQL statements except declare change the value of @@rowcount (many change its value to zero).

51. What is difference between server cursors and language cursors?
A server cursor is declared and processed in a stored procedure.
A language cursor is declared and executed using SQL, but not Open Client calls.

52. What is the proper sequence of statements to use and process a cursor?
The following sequence of statements :
DECLARE cursor_name cursor
OPEN cursor_name
FETCH cursor_name ….
CLOSE cursor_name
DEALLOCATE cursor cursor_name

53. What statement is used to delete the currently fetched row in an updatable cursor?
DELETE table_name where current of cursor_name

54. What type of lock does an updatable cursor obtain by default as it fetches rows? What type of lock does a read-only cursor obtain?
An updatable cursor obtains update locks. A read-only cursor obtains shared locks.

55. What is the difference between the following two select statements?
SELECT title, type, price from titles
COMPUTE avg(price) by type;

SELECT title, type, price from titles
COMPUTE avg(price);
The first select statement will report the average price for a type after listing its detail rows. The second select statement returns all detail rows followed by the average price for all non-null prices.

56. Assume the following five users have each executed the following set of statements in different Databases (assume all users are not running in chained mode) :
User1: begin tran User2: begin tran
delete my_tab delete my_tab
commit tran checkpoint
go go

User3: begin tran User4: begin tran
delete my_tab delete my_tab
commit tran go

User5: delete my_tab
If the SQL Server were to crash at this point, which of these transactions would be rolled back during recovery? Which would be rolled forward? Which would require no recovery?
Assuming an internal checkpoint was not activated by the server immediately prior to the crash, User1 and User5 are rolled forward; User2 is rolled back; User3 and User4 do not require recovery.

57. If a user executes the following set of statements, what rows will be displayed by a SELECT * from sample_tab statement?
CREATE table test_table (a int)
begin tran my_tran
INSERT sample_tab (8) values (1)
save tran my_savept
INSERT sample_tab (a) values (2)
rollback tran my_savept
INSERT sample_tab(a) values (3)
commit tran

The following will be displayed :
58. What global variable can you check to determine the current status of a transaction?

59. Describe a deadlock scenario.
User1 locks page A, User2 locks page B. User1 requests page B(process will be blocked waiting for the lock on page B to be released). If User2 requests page A, a deadlock has occurred.

60. What SQL statement is notorious for causing deadlock situations?
SELECT ….. holdlock

61. What steps can you take to avoid deadlocks?
You can access tables in the same order, decrease the length of transactions, avoid the use of holdlock, and spread data across data pages.

62. What is the definition of a transaction?
A transaction is a logical unit of work.

63. Describe the differences between chained transaction mode and unchained
transaction mode. When does a transaction begin and end in chained mode?
In unchained mode?
In chained mode, the server begins a transaction before the first SQL statement(insert, update, delete, or select) Only commit transaction must be specified. In unchained mode, begin and commit tran statements are required to define a logical unit of work; each SQL statement includes an implied begin tran and commit tran statement.

64. What global variable can you query to determine whether you are running in chained or unchained transaction mode?

65. Based on following SQL statements : begin tran my_tran
print “Updating titles”
UPDATE titles set price = price * $1.25
if (SELECT avg(price) from titles ) > $50
print “Avg price exceeds $50”
rollback tran my_tran
Print “Update rolled back”
commit tran
print “Update successful”
a) What will be displayed if the average price after update is greater than $50?
“Updating titles”, “Avg price exceeds $50”, and “Update rolled back”.
b)What will be displayed if the average price after update is less than $50?
“Updating titles”, and “Update rolled back”.

66. What changes would you recommend for the code in Question 63?
Add begin after the if statement, and add end after the return statement.

67. How are local variables defined in SQL? How are global variables defined?
Local variables are defined by declare # @variable_name datatype.
Global variables are defined by system.

68. How are values assigned to local variables?
The select statement (SELECT @var_name = value)

69. How are values assigned to global variables?
Values for global variable are read-only : only the server may update globals.

70. What is the definition of local variables?
Local variables exist for the duration of a stored procedure or for the duration of a batch.

71. What are the two ways to change the displayed column heading for a select statement?
The two ways are as follows :
SELECT “Heading” = col_name ……
SELECT col_name Heading …….

72. What statement (other than CREATE TABLE) can be used to create a table in SQL Server?

73. What will be the effect using the following statement :
SELECT * into new_titles from titles where 1= 2
A new table will be created having the same structure with no rows

74. What data values would the following WHERE clause match :
WHERE name like “%[Cc]omputer”
Any string that ends in the word Computer or computer.

75. What function is used to display the value of a datetime column in the format dd/mm/yyyy?

76. What security requirements must be met before a table can be referenced by a foreign key reference constraint?
Either both tables must be owned by the same user or the references permission must be granted.

77. Consider the following table definition :
CREATE table titles (title_id char(8) not NULL,
title varchar (68) not null,
pub_id char (4) not null
references publishers (pub_id)
total_sales int null,
pub_date datetime not null)
What happens if you attempt to delete a row from publishers, where there is an existing title in the titles table for that pub_id?
The delete fails, but processing continues. You must check @@error and rollback manually.

78. Considering the code in Question 77, what if you attempt to update a pub_id for a publisher who has related rows in the titles table?
The update fails.

79. Considering the code in Question 77, what if you attempt to insert a new publisher table? The row is inserted.

80. Considering the code in question 77, what happens if you attempt to insert a row into the titles table? It will check the pub_id value to see if it exists in the publishers table. If not, the insert fails.

81. Considering the code in Question 77, what happens if you update a pub_id in the titles table?
It checks to see if the new value is in the publisher table. If not, the update fails.

82. Considering the code in Question 75, what if you delete a row the titles table?
The row is deleted.

83. Describe the difference between a table-level and a column-level constraint.
A constraint is considered table level if it is defined after the column definitions in the CREATE table statement or is defined using alter table.

84. When must you define a constraint as a table-level constraint?
When the constraint references two different columns.

85. What value will be displayed for @var when the following statements are executed:
CREATE proc my_proc (@parm1 int output)
SELECT @parm1 = @parm1 + 50

DECLARE @var int
SELECT @var = 50
EXEC my_proc @var output

86. What data values can be returned by the return statement from within a stored procedure? Any integer value.

87. What data values are reserved for use by Sybase?
-1 through -99

88. What statement is used to generate system -like error messages?

89. What is the minimum error number that can be used?
20 001

90. If a rule is bound to a user-defined datatype, what happens to any existing columns that are defined with that user-defined datatype?
The rule will also be bound to those columns.

91. What if those columns in the previous question already had a rule that was bound explicitly to the column?
An explicit bind to a column overrides a bind to a datatype. The bind to the datatype would have no effect.

92. If a column has a rule bound to it and you attempt to bind another rule to that column, what happens?
The new rule will replace the old one (the existing rule does not have to be unbound).

93. How are database objects fully qualified?

94. What is the purpose of the syskeys table?
The syskeys table contains a row for every primary, foreign or common key in a Database.(These rows are added through sp_primarykey, sp_foreignkey, or sp_coomonkey). Keys are stored for documentation and reference only; the server does not enforce keys as part of referential integrity. Use constraints instead. SQL Server Administration.

95. What command do use to configure the SQL Server?

96. What command do you use to start SQL Server?

97. How are remote procedures invoked?
By fully qualifying the procedure name to include the server name .The format is

98. What needs to be set up or configured on the local server to implement remote procedure calls?
Remote access needs to be installed and the names of the local and remote servers needs to be added with sp_addserver

99. What needs to be set up or configured on the remote server to implement remote procedure calls?
Remote access needs to be installed; a remote login method needs to be selected and remote logins added; and the names of the local and remote servers need to be added with sp_addserver

100. What is normalization? What do you mean by Under- and Overnormalization?
Normalization means that you eliminated redundancy. Normalization is a theory of a logical Database design which refer to minimum data redundancy and maximum data integrity.
1. Eliminate arrays.
2. Eliminate repeating data across the rows.
3. Make sure all columns within a row depend on the primary key column.
4. Eliminate situation when two or more columns have mutual exclusive values.
Undernormalization contains a lot of redundant data
Overnormalization contains a lot of small tables which call a lot of joins.

101. Why its not such a good idea to use joining more then certain number of tables?
Because joining more then five tables in Sybase database will decrease performance.

102. What does OPEN CURSOR mean?
OPEN CURSOR causes the SELECT specified when the cursor was declared to be executed. The USING Transaction Object clause is not allowed with OPEN; the transaction object was specified in the statement that declared the cursor.

103. What is the purpose of Fetch statement?
We use Fetch to retrieve data from the buffer, line by line, and place it into a variable.

powerbuilder interview question _ part 8


1. What is polymorphism ?
Polymorphism is functions with the same name that can do different things for different objects and give different results . For example, 1 + 1 = 2 mathematics plus
“John” + “Smith” Concatenation plus
Polymorphism is a feature of an object-oriented language which defines same methods for different objects. Example: Let’s say, you are going to have several windows in your program, all of them with DataWindows and Retrieve buttons. We want to be generic and put code for the retrieve event in the function of the ancestor window. But some of these DataWindows are with external data source and have to be handled differently than the rest. Our solution is to create a generic function for retrieve in the window-ancestor and for the window with special handling create their own functions with the same name as in the ancestor. The function in a descendant will overload the ancestor’s function. We can define a Print function for a different kinds of objects. Each has its own definition of what print does.

2. How do you understand using Overloading functions in Polymorphism?
Overloading is functions with the same names with different parameters that can be used in the same object. Away in which polymorphism works in PowerBuilder. Means that when several functions the same name exist in ancestors and descendants call to another (with different function body) will overload (change) function’s body in the memory.

3. What is overloading?
When the function of the object has the same name but different arguments.

4. What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism is when functions have the same name but behavior varies with the type of the object to which it is applied.

5. Give examples of polymorphic functions in PowerBuilder.
For example, 1 +1 = 2 mathematics plus
“John” + “Smith” Concatenation plus
Another example: When you implement polymorphism, it’s common to create an ancestor object that has a method in it but no code. E.g., suppose, that you have a custom class called u_Invoice and one called U-check. They are both descendants of the custom class called u_Document. U_Document has a Print method but it has no code in it. Both u_invoice and u_Check also have a Print method, each with different code. Why create this structure? Because then an application that uses your objects can refer to any document using variables of type u_Document. And when they want to print a document, they can just call the Print method.
Uo_document doc

//NextDocument() may return a u_Invoice or u_Check document
doc = NextDocument()
This is called dynamic binding. The specific function you are calling isn’t actually resolved until runtime. It just depends on whether the variable doc is holding a u_Invoice or u_Check object.

6. What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism is an object-oriented feature. Different object classes can have functions with the same name which can be used more than once to do different things for different objects. There are situations in which you want to send the same kind of message to different kinds of objects and have each object respond to that message in its own unique way.

1. What is Regenerate option in the Library painter? When is it most useful?
It compiles all codes of an object(s). Regeneration is important during the development of our PB application. Regeneration is useful:
n when we have an error message with no reason for it;
n When we upgrade to a new version of PB, the new version should regenerate all its source code to update it;
n When we make a change to an ancestor window that has many descendants, the changes can be immediately rippled throughout all child window through regeneration.
Regenerating could be called “recompiling”. When you regenerate an entry, PowerBuilder recompiles the source form stored in the library and replaces the existing compiled form with the recompiled form.

2. You are working with inherited windows, and your application does not work or produces ambiguous errors. You are tracing the program though the DEBUGGER, and still - nothing. What can you do next? REGENERATE


1. How is a script associated with an object ?
When an event occurs, PowerBuilder executes the script for that event.

2. With which objects can a script be associated ? Any.

3. Code the broad outlines of the code necessary to check the value in the integer variable Count against the following ranges of values :
n less than or equal to zero(0)
n equal to 1, 2, or 3
n between 4 and 10 (including 4 and 10)
n over 10.

4. What is a script ?
A script defines the processing that take place when an event occurs for an object or control. When an event occurs, PowerBuilder executes the script for that event. Types of statements in a script are : variable declaration
calls to function
assignment statement
flow of control statement (IF and CHOOSE statements)
embedded SQL statement.

5. Under what circumstances do you need to declare multiple instances of a window class?

6. Assume that when the instance w_cust_maint1 of the window w_cust_maint is displayed, you want its title to read “Referenceable Customer”. Given the following declaration, code the statements to display the window appropriately.
w_cust_maint w_cust_maint1
w_cust_maint1.Title = “Referenceable Customer”

6. What is a focus ?
A focus identifies where on the Window the next action will take place.

7. How do you pass an array as an argument?
To pass an array we should define it as an argument in the window function with brackets. In a script we have to assign an array to a veritable in order to use it.

8. What is an array?
An array is an indexed massive of variables of the same Data Type.
EX. Prise[ ] or Prise[50]
9. Why are static arrays preferable over dynamic arrays?
Static arrays tell us how many elements an array will have by specifying number in brackets. Static arrays are faster.
Dynamic arrays grow dynamically what is more convenient .
Because the memory needed for a static array is located immediately on creation, so there is no reason to reallocate and copy anything and also because boundaries of the array are known when the array is accessed, so there is no processing overhead while checking the validity of the array subscript.

10. What is Array Data type?
Array is a massive of variables of the same Data Type

11. You need to process an array in a loop. Which function should you use if you don’t know array’s size (i.e., number of array elements)?
int i

12. What is enumerated data type? How is it represented and what is its purpose ?
Some functions which were written in some other languages and build into PowerBuilder and PowerBuilder recognises them by the exclamation point at the end.

13. Can you always use CHOOSE…..CASE instead of IF-THEN-ELSE ?
Yes. We can. CHOOSE…..CASE More readable

14. What is the difference between DO… WHILE and DO… UNTIL clauses?
DO… WHILE will perform an action only while the condition is TRUE:
int A = 1, B = 1
DO WHILE condition DO WHILE A <= 15
statementblock BEEP(A)
LOOP A = (A + 1) * B
DO… UNTIL will perform an action only until the condition is TRUE:
DO UNTIL condition int A = 1, B = 1
statementblock DO UNTIL A > 15
A = (A + 1) * B

15. What is the difference between DO WHILE ….LOOP and DO….LOOP WHILE ?
DO WHILE ….LOOP performs an action only while the condition is TRUE:
DO WHILE condition
DO….LOOP WHILE performs an action at least once and repeat while the condition is TRUE
LOOP WHILE condition

16. What do you use to exit the loop before the condition in the loop is met?
What are the 2 choices?
We use EXIT inside the loop if we want to terminate the loop. EXIT jumps to the first
statement after the loop. Continue skips the rest of the statement inside the loop and returns to the beginning of loop to start the next iteration.

17. What is ANY Data Type ? How is it used?
Any is a chameleon data type — it takes the data type of the value assigned to it.

18. What is a BLOB data type?
BLOB is Unbound data type that stands for binary large object. Usually used to hold pictures, window’s wave sound file or very large text files.
19. How would you display a toolbar on a left side of screen, floating?
window_name .ToolbarAlignament = AlignLeft! (AlignAtTop!,
.... AlignRight!,
.... AlignAtBottom!
.... Floating!)
enumerated datatype

20. How do you put the time in the status bar?
On the open event of a window call Timer(1). On the timer event Time = Now( )

21. Can Script#1 share a local variable declared in Script#2?
No, it cannot. Local variables are accessible only in the script in which they are declared.

22. What data types do you know?
There are following data types in PowerBuilder :
1. Standard (string,…..)
2. Enumerated data types its a some functions which were made in other languages and pb recognise it by exclamation point at the end
3. Array is a massive of variables of the same Data Type
4. Structure is a collection of one or more related variables of different or the same data types grouped under one name.

23. Where would you put a code to make sure that everything has been saved on the window in case if a user is closing the window?
I would write this code on CloseQuery event of the window. A CloseQuery event occurs every time when the window is to about to be closed. At this moment PowerBuilder checks the value of the attribute. If after performing some processing we don’t want to allow a user to close the window, set Return 1. When we close a window, PowerBuilder triggers the CloseQuery event and inspects the value of Message.ReturnValue. If the Message Return Value 1, the window cannot be closed. Note: Closing any window causes PowerBuilder to close all Child and Pop-up windows that is opened, and closing an MDI frame window causes PowerBuilder to close all sheet windows within it. Any window thus being closed can set Message.ReturnValue to cancel the close operation.

24. Where can external functions be declared?
External functions can be declared in the Application Object, User Object or Window Object. To declare an external functions, select External Functions on the Declare Menu of the current object painter or the PowerScript Painter.

25. What is the maximum number of characters that you can enter into a control?
The maximum size is a little bit more then 32KB

26. What can you do if you want to leave the PowerScript Painter but the script won’t compile?
I’ll put comments(//) on my code. When we are leaving the PowerScript Painter, it automatically compiles our script. We can have a script containing the errors, To save the script without correcting the errors, comment out any lines in errors.

27. What statement evaluates one variable?
Statement Choose Case evaluates one variable.

28. What should be done to make sure that several RadioButtons understand that they belong to the same group (the user can select only one button in the group)?
By using GroupBox control. If the GroupBox contains RadioButtons, the user can select only one RadioButton in the GroupBox at a time.

29. How to update a ListBox without using a DataWindows?
AddItem( )

30. How to pass control as parameter(for ex. DataWindow)?
Specify as an argument in a function a chosen type of this control

31. How many Windows can be in the application?(maximum)
No more then 60 but we have more then 100.

32. Could you invoke DOS editor from PowerBuilder?
Yes pressing Shift-F6 anywhere.
33. How could you invoke help about specific function or reserved word from Power Script painter?
To highlight this function or reserved word and press shift-F1

34. How do we specify processing that takes place in our application?
By writing a script for different events that occurs. PB applications are event-driven.

35. How do you refer to the attribute inside the scripts?
Using syntax calling dot notation:.

36. How can you use enumerated data types?
As an arguments in functions or to specify the attributes of an object or control.

37. What is the array?
An array is an indexed collection of elements of a single data type. Could be fixed or variable size. Fixed-size arrays could be multidimentional.

38. What kind s of iteration(repeated) statements do you know?
For . . .NEXT uses to execute statementblock a specified number of times;
4 formats of DO. . LOOP
DO UNTIL . . . LOOP executes statementblock until condition is TRUE. If condition is TRUE in the first statement statementblock does not execute.
DO WHILE . . . LOOP executes statementblock while condition is true. If condition is FALSE on the first evaluation statementblock does not execute.
DO. . . LOOP UNTIL The same as DO. . . UNTIL LOOP, but statement always executes at least once.
DO. . . LOOP WHILE the same as DO WHILE . . LOOP, but statementblock always executes at least once.

39. What will be the outcome of the following code:
int I = 5
string name = “fox”
If int I = 5 then
if name = “rabbit” then
if I < 10 then
MessageBox(“Status”, “one”)
MessageBox(“Status”, “two”)
end if
if I <10 then
MessageBox(“Status”, “three”)
elseif I = 5 then
MessageBox(“Status”, “four”)
MessageBox(“Status”, “five”)
end if
MessageBox(“Status”, “five”)
end if
elseif I > = 5 then
MessageBox(“Status”, “six”)
end if
MessageBox(“Status”, “three”) and MessageBox(“Status”, “five”)

40. What’s wrong with the logic in the following code:
if years_of_service > 10 then
vacation = 4
bonus_factor = 1.5
elseif years_of_service > 6 and years_of_service < 10 then
vacation = 3
bonus_factor = 1.2
vacation = 2
bonus_factor = 1.0
end if
There is nothing said about years_of_service = 10

41. Can we prevent window from closing?
On the close query event we have to write script:
IF MessageBox("Closing window", "Are you sure?", Question!, YesNo!) = 2 THEN
0 - Allow the window to be closed
1 - Prevent the window from closing
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