Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Visual Expert for PowerBuilder

Visual Expert for PowerBuilder detailed features :
CODE EXPLORATION PowerBuilder Components After analysing your project, Visual Expert can list in a treeview:
* The PBL included in the application and the components of each PBL
* The PowerBuilder object - by type - included in the application (all the DW of the project for instance).
* The controls, functions, events, attributes, variables, parameters defined in a PowerBuilder object.

While exploring the code in the treeview, you can also display:
* The container of the selected item (for example, the PBL containing an object, the object containing a control, the control containing an event or the event containing a local variable,...)
* The containier hierarchy (the list of all successive containers of an item). For instance, the container hierarchy of an event may display the Control/Objet/PBL/Projet where this event was defined.

You may display in the treeview some information about menu objects:
* The complete hierarchy of the menu options defined in a menu object.
* Same hierarchy, plus all events defined for each menu item.

Components While analyzing your code, Visual Expert will find all references to database items.
Therefore, you can list in the treeview:
* The database tables referenced by the PowerBuilder code (both from Datawindows and embedded SQL)
* For each table found, you may list the columns referenced by the PowerBuilder code.
* The stored procedures called by the PowerBuilder code (both from Datawindows and PB scripts)

If your application is also composed of DB code (PL/SQL or Transact-SQL), Visual Expert finds all references to tables, columns and stored procedures from this DB code.
See Visual Expert for Oracle, Visual Expert for Sybase ASE or Visual Expert for SQL Server pages for more details.

You can have a global overview of your project (PowerBuilder + DB code) by installing the appropriate versions of Visual expert on the same machine. For instance, if your application is composed of PB code and sybase stored procedures, you may combine Visual Expert for PowerBuilder and Visual Expert for Sybase ASE or Visual Expert for SQL Server on the same PC.
SQL Queries After analysing your project, Visual expert may display several lists of Procedure:
* SQL statements defined in the application
* SQL statements containing a given string (text search focused on the SQL statements of the project).
* SQL statements by access type (select, insert, update or delete Statements)
* SQL statements by definition type (defined in PowerBuilder Script, Datawindow, Transact-SQL code(1) or PL/SQL code(2) ).
(1) requires Visual Expert for Sybase ASE or Visual Expert for SQL Server
(2) requires Visual Expert for Oracle

dépendencies Visual Expert analyses all inheritance dependencies. As a result, you can display:
* The direct descendants (childs) of a PowerBuilder object
* The descendant hierarchy (multi-level treeview of all successive descendants objects). For instance, you can get the complete inheritance hierarchy of your application, including Framework and business objects.
* The direct ancestor of a PowerBuilder object
* The complete ancestor list of an object (all successive ancestors of a given object).

When an object is inherited, the scripts defined in this objects may be modified in the descendant Object.
In such a situation, Visual Expert keeps track of the "inheritance" relationship between the "ancestor" and the "descendant" script.
String search You may search for a string in your project. Several options are available:
* Global Search in the whole project (including PowerBuilder Code, PL/SQL, Transact SQL, SQL files, ...)
* Search restricted to a given type of component (For instance, you may search in Windows only).
* You may search in the name and/or the source code of components.
* You use regular expressions in a search (click here to read about regular expressions)
* You may search into a selection of components (for instance after selecting some procedures in the treeview).
Dll Calls While analyzing your PowerBuilder code, Visual Expert will find all referencies to dll functions.

As a result, you can list in the treeview:
* The dll used by the application
* For a given dll, which dll functions are declared in the PowerBuilder code
* For a given dll, which PowerBuilder objects are declaring the dll functions
* For each dll function declared in PowerBuilder, all PowerBuilder references to this dll function
(Impact analysis in the PowerBuilder application on a dll function).
System and
* List of the Global variables declared in the PowerBuilder application (name+number of calls to each variable)
* List of the Global functions defined in the PowerBuilder application (name+number of calls to each function)
* List of the system properties referenced in the PowerBuilder code (e.g. visible, title, with...)
* List of the system functions referenced in the PowerBuilder code (e.g. close, opensheet, setpointer...)

Reference :

1 comment:

RamyaThiruvasagan said...


i am new to both powerbuilder & visual expert. however would like to do code analysis with visual expert. our stored procedures compiled in sybase.
do we have any step by step approach to do this.

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